Monday, March 19, 2012

Connect 4: Being a Christian Mom - Guest Speaker

Please come out and spend some time with us this thursday, March 22nd at 7pm as we listen to our MOPS mentor, Jennifer Ward as she shares insight from her life on how we can be the type of Christian Moms God intended us to be regardless of life's circumstances.

Jennifer has shared a little bio about herself...

I got married to a southern boy from Alabama the year I graduated from college in 1983. We lived on campus where my husband worked for a year before coming to US.   After 3 months of looking for a job, my husband finally found a job in Atlanta.  In 1986 we bought our first house and a year later our daughter was born.  In January 1990 our son was born and within few months we moved to New Orleans because of Neil’s new profession. We were there for a year and half before moving to Memphis, TN where we only stayed for 8 months.   

In the spring of 1992 we got transferred back to Atlanta and before the end of year our 3rd child Allen was born.   By now our daughter Allison was 5 and son Steven was 3.  After living there for two years,  my husband got transferred again, but this time we had to move to New Jersey (the corporate office).   During the Thanksgiving holiday in 1994, we moved in a little house in New Providence. By then I was selling Pampered Chef and had a good result so I decided to continue in NJ.   In the summer of 1997 we were back in Atlanta because of my father-in-law’s failing health that we requested to move back down south.  From 1998 to 2002 I worked at the preschool where my son attended and really enjoyed working with preschool children.  

But in the summer of 2002 we were sent back to New Jersey one more time and this time we settled in Bridgewater.  By then our two older ones were going into 9th and 7th grade. Life was not as simple as when they were in grade schools.  Thank God they made friends quickly and easily.  During this time I started subbing at the schools in the district and became friend with the Mandarin teacher at the school.  A year later I became a Chinese teacher at the high school.  

However our move has not ended there.  In the spring of 2005 we got news that we would be moving to Hong Kong in the summer.  Amazingly all the children were excited about this move.  It turns out that was the longest place we had lived at a place, which was 6 years!  While in Hong Kong, I continued to teach Chinese and also took some classes to enrich my knowledge about the subject.  

Our expat life ended last summer and we returned back to NJ.  Having moved so many times and lived in different places, I deeply believe home is where your heart is.  Our family grew closer because of the challenges in facing all the changes in different environments.   

Looking back in each move, I found there was a purpose to be sent that direction.  The friends we had made and places we have visited would never have happened if we just stayed where we were.  Don’t be afraid of the changes in your life and don’t hold on to things too tightly.  Face it with the knowledge that God will be there with you if you believe in him and let him take care of you.   Open the eyes of your heart and be ready!

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