Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Lifeguard: Guest Speaker

Christy Molnar, our guest speaker this month is married to Dan and they have three children; Chris, 20 years old, Justin, 15 years old, and Danielle, 6 years old. She attended her first MOPS meeting in 1997 when Justin was 2 months old. She served as a Creative Activities Coordinator for one year, Coordinator for three years, and taught the 4-5 year old MOPPETS class for one year.

In 2003, she became a MOPS International Field Leader in Southeast PA and helped to start an Evening MOPS group at her home church. In 2005, she and her family moved to Easton PA where she continued to serve as a Field Leader. After Danielle's birth, she joined a MOPS group and has served as a Discussion Group table leader for the past 3 years. In 2010, she began to serve the NJ MOPS groups as a Community Developer. In October, at MomCon, she will be receiving her 10-year MOPS Field Leader service pin.